Saturday, August 30, 2008

Something Old, Nothing New

Oh, I am a woman obsessed. 

When making the rounds on my favorite designers' websites, a tiny little icon caught my eye on Dame Westwood's homepage, which led me here: 

 Picture3.png picture by Sarima2

Honestly, what's there to say? I still love the original dress, but this is just blatant greed. It looks obviously cheap compared to the original design, especially the back; why is the top layer so skimpy, was the duchess satin too expensive? And the proportions are way off. The pointy bust is too tall for a dress that short, and the fullness of the skirt doesn't work well with the ridiculously unflattering length either, which on a normal woman would fall probably right below the knee.

She was obviously going for a more RTW version of the gown, but it falls seriously short (no pun intended). Move on, Viv! You hated the movie, don't try to capitalize on it. 

1 comment:

.kate said...

Loved this insight of yours on this issue.

Talk about taking the exclusivity out of things. Where's the mystery? The Magic!?!?

What SATC fan would really buy into this anyway.